Barb Kirkmeyer

Spending and Inflation

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Barb has always been a strong fiscal conservative and steward of your tax dollars. As Weld County Commissioner, Barb led the effort to make Weld County the only large debt-free county in the entire state. Because of Barb’s efforts, Weld County was awarded the “gold standard” for controlling spending.

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Barb Kirkmeyer knows inflation is hurting Colorado working families and will work to reduce the cost of living by cutting taxes and runaway government spending by reining in costly regulations that drive up energy, health care, and housing costs.

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Barb has spent her entire career supporting American energy workers and American energy independence. She knows how important Colorado oil and gas is to our community and will fight any efforts to destroy this economic engine.

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Barb has the support of law enforcement officials and organizations across Colorado because she fights the liberals’ anti-police policies that put criminals first and victims last.

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Barb has led the fight in the Colorado State Senate to get fentanyl off Colorado’s streets, lock up drug dealers, and put an end to the cartel's trafficking.

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